
Within the scientific community it is agreed and understood that fish suffer and feel pain. Unfortunately, this knowledge is ignored within the food industry. Wild caught and farmed fish suffer immensely because of consumer demand for their flesh.

When fish are removed from the water, they can no longer take in oxygen and suffocate slowly. Decompression can cause their eyes to pop out of their heads and their swim bladders to rupture. If they have not yet died from suffocation or as a result of decompression, they will be gutted alive and slowly lose consciousness and die.

Factory farmed fish are raised in such confined conditions they can barely move and lice and disease run rampant. Their health is so poor that the flesh of fish like salmon is dyed to mimic the colour of their wild peers.

Shell fish, such as crabs, lobsters and shrimp, are not immune to this suffering. Research demonstrates that although these animals do not have the same nervous system as vertebrates, they show clear physical and behavioural responses to pain. Crustaceans are farmed or trapped, transported and rubber-banded, and stored in crowded tanks in markets. They are kept live in freezing conditions so that they are only semi-conscious and then are plunged into boiling water where death can take up to 7 minutes.

Further information:


Animal Aid
